Cyber Security
Why is Cybersecurity Important?
In today’s digital world, one cannot ignore cyber security. One single security breach can lead to exposing the personal information of millions of people. These breaches have a strong financial impact on the companies and also loss of the trust of customers. Hence, cyber security is very essential to protect businesses and individuals from spammers and cyber criminals.
The Scale of the Cyber Security Threat
According to Forbes, 2022 will present us with a pack of diverse and terrifying cyber security challenges, everything from supply chain disruption to increased smart device risks to a continued cyber security talent drought. According to Cybercrime Magazine, cybercrime will cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025! Furthermore, global cybercrime costs are predicted to rise by almost 15 percent yearly over the next four years.
How Does Cyber Security Work? The Challenges of Cyber Security
Cyber security encompasses technologies, processes, and methods to defend computer systems, data, and networks from attacks. Mbulase Group has strategically partnered with industry leaders in the provisioning of Cyber Security technologies and services, amongst them are VMware, Immersive Labs, KnowBe4, Synopsys and OPSWAT. the following are some of the Cyber security technologies and services with provision together with our partners.

VMware Products for Zero Trust Security